

What is Success

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The best advice I could give anyone is to spend your time working on whatever you are passionate about in life. Fun is one of the most important and underrated ingredients in any successful venture.

Innovator – Entrepreneur – Billionaire


Success is subjective, unique, personal, but also dynamic and fluctuating. Only you can define what success means to you. It reflects the way you are at any point in time. Learn from those who have demonstrated to possess success-oriented mindsets and skills, such as icons, celebrities and billionaires.

As a modern science of success, XZEN is based on four simple realities. Learn them well to understand exactly what success is for you and how you can quickly achieve it:

  1. Success is subjective. Only you can define what success means to you.
  2. Your success reflects the way you are at any point in time.
  3. To achieve more success, you must expand yourself by increasing your confidence and acquiring new mindsets, skills, tools and alliances. The more you expand yourself, the easier you can achieve success – whatever it means for you.
  4. The fastest way for you to expand yourself is to learn from those who have already demonstrated the ability to achieve success: icons, successful entrepreneurs, world champions and other celebrities.

Hence, success is subjective, unique, personal – but also dynamic, mysterious and ever-changing.

This means that if you consider yourself a failure now, you can become successful later.
And the other way around. At any time. Throughout your entire life

Indeed, your definition of success evolves with the different phases of your existence.

For some, the family is more important than money. Others prioritize career over friendship.
In your 20s’, you may find success in love. In your 40s, in your bank account. In your 60s, in good health. Towards the end of your life, you may seek success in inner peace, in the absence of regrets, pain and loneliness.

Irrespective of your unique ambitions, human nature has common features across age, sex, race, nationality, religion and culture. At any phase of your life, the XZEN 5 Spheres of Success govern the way you consciously and subconsciously seek Happiness, Health and Wealth: the 3 key factors of The Triangle of Success:


Based on the study of more than 100 ultra-successful people in the movies, music, sports, fashion and business industries, XZEN.TV provides you with unique online tools – courses, quizzes, books, articles and personal coaching – to accelerate your journey towards success and achieve these 3 essential elements of human realization.

In sum, the first step to being successful is to define what success means for you.

The second step is to expand and elevate yourself.

The third step is to enjoy the fruits of your solid work. Because there is no shortcut to success, other than an unshakable commitment to your vision, through discipline, determination and hard work.

This is all you need to win your ultimate battle for success. The battle within yourself.